Meet Bromelain

Don’t let the name confuse you - we’re sure that you’ve already met. That’s right, bromelain is a complex mixture of protease (enzymes) found in the core of pineapples.

That’s right, pineapples.


What’s so great about bromelain? Well, it’s a bit of a powerhouse especially when combined with the other benefits of pineapple. Bromelain and vitamin C combine to take on respiratory issues (so be sure to have a few pieces of pineapple with a cup of nettle tea during allergy season). The bromelain will help reduce the amount of mucus and phlegm. In fact, it’s been shown that eating pineapple on a regular basis can help boost immunity levels, so stock up before cold and flu season as well.

Bromelain doesn’t stop there. If you have digestion issues ranging from diarrhea to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pineapple can help. The bromelain helps to break down proteins and improve digestion.

Pineapple has been directly connected with preventing cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast thanks to its powerhouse collection of antioxidants and vitamins including things like vitamin A, beta-carotene, bromelain, flavonoids, and manganese. Bromelain, specifically, has been noted for its anti-cancer properties.

Bromelain has been used in Europe for years to help treat and reduce the pain associated with surgical wounds, trauma, and deep burns thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties.

Caution: Bromelain can trigger menstruation so excessive amounts of pineapple are not recommended for pregnant women!

As with all herbal supplements and medicinal plants, please be sure to talk to your doctor before taking them as these may have negative interactions with certain drugs. Anyone who is pregnant or may become pregnant or is breast feeding should also speak with a doctor before taking herbal supplements.

This information is not intended to diagnosis, treat, or cure any disease or illness and is provided for educational purposes only. For more information, please talk to your doctor.